A Brief History of the Grantham Lions

The Grantham Lions Club got its humble start as the result of a Port Dalhousie Lions Club committee meeting to review the needs of the growing community. The consensus of the March 1952 meeting was to form the Grantham Lions Club, with Cecil Secord elected as its first president.
The same year the club was formed, in 1952, the service club began its search for a suitable piece of property for a park. It purchased a 7.5-acre parcel of land at Niagara Street and Lakeshore Road. Two years later, the club signed a 10-year lease for a property adjacent to Port Weller School, part of the Grantham School Board. A year later, the club purchased this property.
Washrooms were constructed in 1957, as well as a space for refreshment sales, and this served as the club’s administration office in 1959. The club showed big ambition early by taking on sponsorship for a rodeo, which included the construction of a judges’ tower and fencing. While that didn’t end up becoming an annual event, since then the club has undertaken other projects for the public’s benefit, including a fenced sports park that is popular during the warmer months and continues to fundraise through ongoing events. To learn more about us and our work in the community, please contact us.
The fundraising efforts of the Lions Club benefit many community groups which people rely on. We strive to give back to our community at every chance and make a difference in the lives of those around us.
We Work With Great Organizations in Our Community
- Local Hospitals - Equipment Assistance
- Children's Centres
- Lions Eye Care
- Camp Trillium
- Lion's Camp Dorset (Dialysis)
- Lake Joseph Camp for the Blind
- Guide Dogs
- Salvation Army
- Community Care of St. Catharines
- Diabetes Association